SAP Services

SAP Services

CAMELOT’s industry niche and capabilities in SAP Platform ensures that our clients receive the best solutions for their business requirements. We work as a team, build partnership with client project/business teams with clear objectives and deliver best practices.

Our Business Arrangements are Flexible, We provide Dynamic Solutions tailored for your business, whether it is for Project, Staff Augmentation and Service Level / Task Oriented recurring work. Our Industry Expertise is in implementing Domestic and global Financials and Operations Planning, Implementation and Support for Automotive, Telecommunications, Steel, Cable, Life Sciences, Service Providers and additional Manufacturing and Service based businesses.


We Provide

ERP Functional Consulting


We Provide

Integration / Middleware


We Provide

Offshore/Onshore Collaborative Solutions


We Provide

SAP ECC, BW/BPC, CRM, SRM, HR and APO on multiple landscapes, FICO, SD, MM, PP, QM, BCS, WM, APO, SRM, CRM, BW, EAM


We Provide

S/4 HANA, Fiori, Success Factors, Personas, Mobility


We Provide

MS Integration, Share Point, .Net Integration, Web Design


We Provide

SAP Net Weaver Practice, ABAP, PI/XI, MDM


We Provide

Web Services, XML & Open Source Portal Integration


We Provide

Full Life Cycle – Build, Configure, RICEF, Testing, Training


We Provide

AMS – SAP Production Support Basis, Applications Development